This is a Facebook post from Jacob Lee last November. Please note the Kindle Fire in the picture.
This photo brings me great joy! This is a Sudanese pastor who is doing gospel work in the Republic of (North) Sudan. God’s primary call upon Reaching Africa’s Unreached (RAU) is to strengthen shepherds and church leaders from Northwestern Uganda, South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan in the fundamentals of the Christian faith.
God’s primary means to get the gospel to the unreached of the world is through the local church! Our prayer is that RAU can be an effective part of Christ’s work of building his church in our region of the world. Sound gospel-centered churches reaching ALL people and language groups in the Sub-Saharan!
This pastor now has an Arabic Study Bible, Arabic, and Christian books, and Kindle Fire loaded with Arabic teaching resources. All these resources have made their way to RAU’s through God’s faithful people giving and praying!
You know who you are…thank you and God’s bless you for be part of RAU walking out 2 Timothy 2:2 in Sub-Saharan Africa!
RAU’s Mission/Vision Statement: