We had a first delivery of Kindles today. The leaders from the Mayville and Amawotana churches received their Kindles today. We had a 3 hour training session this morning. They were really excited to receive their Kindles. We have approximately 60 books installed on the Kindles. I want again to thank Crossway for their generous donation of the 9Marks books.
We taught the leaders how to use the Kindles. Many of them are not computer literate so this is the first time they had such a device. The ones who have smart phones were able to come up to speed really quick They were able to assist the others. There are a good range of books on the Kindles from Bibles to commentaries, practical living to theology, study guides to doctrinal books. The men were very excited to receive such an extensive library. I want to thank all who help donate to this project.
We will have picture of the classes early next week. It is hard to teach and take pictures so Brent took the pictures for me.
Tomorrow I will be preaching in the Mayville church. It will be a sermon from Titus 1 on Sound Leaders. It was part of the series I was going to teach in the evenings but I spent the two days on Ecclesiastes instead. The was so much to cover in Ecclesiastes.
Thank you for sharing this with us. What a joy to read about and see the pictures as you minister in teaching, giving, sharing the Kindles, etc. We forget here, how much we have and take for granted, and need to be reminded. May the Lord continue His fruitfulness in yuo and the lifes of these people!